Archive | March 2018

New Release Spotlight: Between Despair and Ecstasy

Today I’m excited to welcome Deryl Devoré, who is sharing a little bit of research from her new book, Between Despair and Ecstasy.

Kintsugi is an ancient Japanese tradition of fixing broken things with gold or lacquer to make them even more beautiful. I bumped into this tradition while searching for something else and was immediately captured by the concept.

In Between Despair and Ecstasy, I found a perfect moment to use the idea. Darien knows that his and Erika’s marriage is not going to be perfect. Internet rumours, the pressures of being a celebrity, the travelling and all the other components of a rock star’s life can be hard on a marriage. He doesn’t want to become another celebrity divorce statistic.


When Erika finished, the official turned to Darien. “Your turn to speak to your bride.”

He lifted his gaze to meet hers and steeled his nerves. If you can sing in front of eighty thousand people, you can talk to your wife. Wife. The word brought a tear to his eye and filled his heart with joy.

He reached his right hand forward. She lifted her left. He clasped it. “There is an ancient Oriental tradition of mending things. Instead of throwing a cracked teacup away they fill the crack with gold. This ring—” He traced his finger around her wedding band. “This ring symbolizes that and much more. So much more.”

Brian tapped his shoulder and handed him an old teacup, with cracks gleaming with gold. He placed the cup on her palm. “There are going to be cracks in our marriage, but instead of throwing it away, we’ll mend it with these gold bands. The symbols of our love.”

He cupped his hands under hers. “Erika. I’m sorry. I’m sorry for all the heartache I’ve caused you, all the sleepless nights, and all the stress that the chaos of my life created. And I’m apologizing now for the same heartache, sleepless nights, and stress that I’m going to cause you in the next seventy-five, eighty years of our lives and marriage.

“I was blind to my reality. I thought I had it all. A great career and too much money. I didn’t know I was missing love. The core to my existence. Then you

entered my life, peeled away the false illusion and opened my eyes.

“I saw how hollow I was. How incomplete. I never want that again. I vow to be more present in your life and in our marriage. I could spend all day just staring at you. I love your smile. Your eyes.

“But you know all this. I poured out my love for you in my song, I’m Just a Man. Every word is true.

“I’m just a man.

“In love.

“With you.”

How can Erika prove to herself and Darien that she loves and trusts him? Simple. All she has to do is jump out of a plane.

Concerned for his fiancée, Erika Bailey’s safety, rock star Darien Scott races to Bangkok to protect her, only to discover his brother is missing. Fearing the worse, he contacts his nemesis, Gan, and makes a repulsive deal that will free his brother and protect Erika’s club, The Pink Flamingo. Or so he thought. When a python and Gan are involved, things go sour, and Darien sinks into a deep depression.

Erika is disheartened by the betrayal of her parents. Her father’s destruction of her club, and the humiliation of her mother’s drunken behavior have her feeling down, but those are the least of her worries. She has a wedding to plan, but won’t. Having been betrayed too often, she’s scared to trust Darien.

How can Erika prove to herself and Darien that she loves and trusts him? Simple. All she has to do is jump out of a plane.

Daryl Devoré lives in an old farmhouse in Ontario, Canada, with her husband, a black cat named Licorice and some house ghosts. Daryl loves to take long walks up her quiet country road or snowshoe across the back acres, and in the summer, kayak along the St. Lawrence River. She’s touched a moon rock, a mammoth and a meteorite. She’s been deep in the ocean in a submarine, flown high over Niagara Falls in a helicopter and used the ladies room in a royal palace. Life’s an adventure and Daryl’s having fun living it.

Where to find Daryl Devoré:

Blog – Romance Sweet to Heat


