Archive | May 2020

30 May 2020

I’ve been doing a lot of self-reflection this week, sitting–quietly–with my emotions and working through them. If I have learned nothing else from those I follow on Twitter it is that this is not about me; it’s my job to do this, not anyone else’s; and no one needs me to live Tweet about it.

That’s enough about my feelings.

Another thing I have internalized is that intentions don’t matter, actions do.

Today I’m checking on friends and educating myself on what I can do to help in my communities.

One of those communities is the writing community. My blog is open to any BIPOC writers with new or upcoming releases, an idea for a guest post for one of the regular features (Romancing the Movies, Why do I Write, Body Image and Beauty), or anything related to craft or intersectional feminism.

PS Yes, I know, I haven’t blogged since September. What a time to get back into it.